The Anthropomorphism of Paddington Bear and God!

Anthropomorphism is another literary device used in the Bible. Anthropomorphism  according to is The attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object. In short, it is something being described as a person. 

Image taken from:

A good use of everyday Anthropomorphism are the animated animal cartoon characters who move and speak like humans. My personal favourite has to be Paddington Bear, who’s antics have recently been turned into a major motion picture. A bear who likes marmalade sandwiches, what’s not to love about this very human bear? Although he is very different from his real animal counterparts.

When the Bible uses Anthropomorphism, it is done to describe God with human characteristics. This is to help us understand something of the nature of God in a manner we can relate to. One example of this is in Numbers 6:25 where God is described as having a face. Another example is in the  Creation story in Genesis 2:7 where : the Lord God formed a man  from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (NIV)

Understanding how Anthropomorphism is used in the Bible, helps us not to take certain verses literally and to read the Bible with greater understanding of God’s message for us.

It should be noted by readers that as a boy, theologyidiot had lots of Paddington Bear memorabilia. This included: Posters, a lampshade, curtains, two different duvet covers and of course a bear! It should also be noted that I do not posses these items now that I am a grownup!

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