Reversing into Forgiveness

According to forgiveness is Stopping feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.’

Christians believe that if they Repent of their Sin then God will forgive them. This means that God, who is slow to anger will not be cross or resentful towards them. Forgiveness  is closely related to Grace and Mercy.

Let’s look at this through a true example:

I’m not a very good driver. Recently when reversing my car out of my driveway, I drove straight into the back of my next door neighbour’s car which was parked on the road outside his house. My car was fine, but his was left with a sizable dent in it. This was my sin.

Image taken from:

Image taken from: http://www.autobody-review.

I immediately went to tell my neighbour what had happened. He had every right to be cross with me, but instead he was polite and kind towards me. He did not treat me as my sin deserved, rather he had mercy on me.

I then began to give my neighbour my insurance details, so that he get his car fixed. “What are you doing that for?” he asked “I  don’t need to get the car fixed, it is old anyway.”  By not demanding money from me, my neighbour was showing me undeserved love; he showed grace towards me.

Finally I apologised  for the damaged caused to my his car. “I’ve already told you, it really is fine.” I had been forgiven by my neighbour, he had dropped any resentment towards me. Since that day, he has never mentioned the event, even though we are both reminded about it because of the state of his car.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Christians are reminded that forgiveness is not something they should just seek from Father God for their sins, but it is also something they should actively seek to do towards other people who hurt them.